Collection: CBD for pets

CBD especially for pets

Icoontje gloeilamp

NatuPet is a new pet CBD brand dedicated to developing high-quality and versatile CBD products for your pet's comfort and care.

With our years of experience and leading technology, our products are designed specifically for your pet so that they too can benefit from CBD.

What is CBD?

CBD is one of the many 'cannabinoids' naturally present in the cannabis plant or industrial hemp, or simply hemp.

Simply put, 'cannabinoids' are active chemical compounds found in many plants. However, the term cannabinoid is often associated with only one type of plant: the cannabis plant or cannabis sativa plant. Cannabidiol (or better known as CBD oil), is one of the most popularised and best researched cannabinoids.

To date, intensive research has led to the discovery of more than 500 natural chemical constituents of cannabis! Yet less than 100 have actually been identified. The cannabinoids CBN, THCV, CBG, CBC, CBL, and many others, are gaining traction. But the most popular are still THC and CBD.

Cannabis is an umbrella term for all the different species within this plant family. To break it down into a broad classification of cannabis strains, we generally think of Sativa, Ruderalis, and Indica. Cannabis Sativa is also known as hemp and is often called industrial hemp as mentioned earlier. It has low THC content (less than 0.2%) and high CBD content.

It is important to realise that the hemp plant is also a great source of renewable resources. The history of hemp goes back thousands of years and has been used by different cultures around the world for a variety of industrial practices to produce clothes, biofuel and fibres, for example, as well as animal feed and topical medicinal products, and much more.

CBD for pets

The spiralling legalisation of more and more cannabis-related products has led to market expansion and sparked public interest in the Netherlands. And this movement is likely to lead to further advances in CBD, CBD oil and CBD for animals, as research into its value and efficacy in potentially helping numerous health problems is also increasing.

Currently, however, studies focusing on the benefits of CBD (or at least identifying the relevance of CBD for pets) are still very limited in scope. Therefore, more and more dog and cat owners are taking the initiative to turn directly to their local vet to seek advice on natural alternatives to supplement their pet's diet.

As we share a mutually beneficial relationship with our pets, their health and happiness naturally affects ours too. And what makes them happy? Nutrition!

A nutritious and balanced diet is essential to keep our pets happy and healthy. Therefore, pet health and well-being are fundamental to most pet owners.

In addition, if pet owners could learn more about their pet's anatomy and body functions, it would help a lot in planning their nutritional needs. After all, an appropriate diet can keep stress at bay.

At NatuPet, the safety and well-being of your pets is paramount. That's why all our CBD products for pets are made from natural hemp extracts and we source our hemp only from organic sources. Combined with pet-friendly flavours, our range of CBD products for pets can be a great addition to their daily diet. We recommend you invest some time in CBD so you can make informed decisions when buying CBD products.

CBD oil for dogs

If you are a dog owner, then you are probably aware of the growing trends about the use of CBD oil for dogs. But there are two sides to this. On one hand, it can be insightful to learn about how other pet owners are giving CBD to their pets, but on the other hand, we learn that research on the impact of CBD on dogs is unfortunately still in its early stages.

Some important aspects to keep in mind when giving CBD to your dog:

Choice of product- NatuPet CBD oil for dogs is available in two different potencies with 2.5% and 4% CBD. They are also available in your dog's favourite flavours: chicken and beef. Therefore, it is important to choose a CBD oil strength that matches your dog's size and age. You can also talk to your vet to find out what potency is advised.

Dosage - The dosage suggestions can be found on our product labels. But every dog is different. We recommend that you contact your vet if you are wondering whether the suggested dosage is suitable for your dog. So, as a rule of thumb, start with a low dosage and increase it in small steps over time, if needed. Once you know how your dog responds to a certain dose, you can gradually adjust that dose according to your dog's needs.

CBD oil for cats

CBD oil works differently for cats. But because cats are smaller than dogs, the dosage and strength of CBD oil vary to meet their needs. Just as importantly, giving cats new food is often difficult. So cat owners often have to come up with creative ways to give their furry friends a healthy diet.

Our CBD oil for cats comes in a strength of 2.5% and has the fishy taste that cats love. As little research has been done on CBD for cats, there are still many unknown factors that need to be addressed.

CBD oil for horses

Horses are powerful animals, but they are emotional and family-oriented. Their complex bodies give them the natural ability to survive and adapt to different environments.

So feeding a horse an appropriate diet that keeps them fed is a big challenge.

In addition, from a research perspective, the potential benefits and effects of CBD oil on horses are still unclear. Currently, the most favourable references and experiences come from other owners, horse handlers, and case studies of small size of horse farms.

What do you need to know about CBD for pets? Can CBD oil do any harm?

  • First and foremost, pet owners need to know the source from which the CBD has been extracted. That is, whether the CBD in the CBD oil for your pet is extracted from hemp or Cannabis?
  • So when you decide to include CBD in your pet's diet, make sure the CBD comes from hemp extracts.
  • Secondly, talk to your vet. Make sure he/she is aware that you are giving CBD to your pet.
  • CBD given to pets should not contain toxic substances. It should be THC-free, gluten-free and non-GMO.
  • CBD for pets should be made exclusively for them and be properly labelled. Information about the product, efficacy, quantity and dosage instructions are mandatory.
  • Tip: If you are giving CBD to your pet for the first time, it is good to start with CBD oil. Using this method, you are able to have control over each drop and adjust the dosage accordingly.

How to use CBD in pets?

In general, you can administer CBD to your dogs or cats quite easily. The most practical way to give your pet CBD is orally. You could try the following ways to give CBD oil to your dog:

  • Consult a vet before giving your pet CBD, to check if there could be any interactions with their regular medication.
  • Take the required amount of CBD oil into the dropper, gently lift your dog's side lip and squeeze the CBD oil onto their gum line.
  • Mix CBD oil into their food: take the required amount of CBD oil into the dropper and squeeze it evenly over the food. Make sure they eat it all.
  • Another method is to apply CBD oil to your dog's favourite treats. Wouldn't you agree that the best trick to get your pet's attention, as well as to train them, is playtime! And playtime means treats! So try choosing their favourite CBD oil flavour (chicken or beef) and drizzle it on their treat.

    But, every pet is different. Keep trying different methods until they get used to the habit of taking CBD.

    Most of the time, it is easier to train dogs with a new routine habit. But, when it comes to cats, it can indeed be a big test of patience. After all, cats are often quick, unpredictable, moody and prefer their own how do you give them the intended dose?

    Here are some options:

    A hassle-free method of giving your cat CBD is by putting CBD oil in your cat's food or water. Simply measure out the required dose of CBD oil with the dropper and mix it together with their meal. Just make sure they eat all the food in the bowl.

    The next best method is to give them CBD oil directly in their mouths. But, to train them for this habit may take some time as it depends on the nature of your cat.

    Not to mention, as a rule of thumb, consult your vet for more options on other ways to give your cats CBD, along with dosage and frequency.

    Is there a difference between CBD for humans and CBD for pets?

    The source of CBD oil for humans, dogs and cats can come from hemp. But there are other differences to consider.

    CBD products for pets are specially designed for pets and labelled according to industry standards. There are different types of CBD for humans, such as full-spectrum CBD, broad-spectrum CBD, and isolates that come in different concentrations and strengths. Pets may not be able to tolerate these. CBD for pets comes in tasty flavours such as chicken, beef, or fish to disguise the earthy taste of hemp. But these products are not suitable for human consumption.