CBD oil dosage calculator
When it comes to using CBD, finding the right dosage is crucial for maximum effectiveness. That's where our CBD oil dosage calculator comes in handy.
Bereken je optimale CBD-dosis
Voer je gewicht in en selecteer je behoefteniveau:
Disclaimer: De dosering die wordt gegeven door onze CBD Olie Dosering Calculator is puur een aanbeveling voor personen boven de 18 jaar die CBD willen gebruiken. Nordic Oil is geen medische professional. Raadpleeg uw arts als u overweegt CBD te gebruiken om een specifieke medische aandoening te behandelen. Als u een voorgeschreven medicijn gebruikt, vraag uw arts dan over mogelijke interacties met CBD. De informatie op onze website is bedoeld om algemene informatie te geven over CBD producten en mag niet worden gezien als medisch advies of instructie. Neem niet meer dan 70 mg CBD per dag. Personen die zwanger zijn, borstvoeding geven of medicijnen gebruiken, mogen geen CBD-producten gebruiken.
How does this CBD oil dosage calculator work?
Our CBD dosing calculator is designed to provide general dosing recommendations based on weight and need. It is designed for users who are already familiar with CBD.
However, it is essential to remember that individual dosage needs may vary due to factors such as body weight, metabolism and tolerance.
The optimal dosage also depends on the concentration of CBD in the product, which can differ between the strength of the oil and the types of CBD products such as CBD capsules, gummies and balms.
This CBD dosage calculator is specially designed for the Nordic Oil CBD Oils and takes into account the CBD oil bottle of 10ml and the total CBD concentration of the product.
What is a normal starting dose for CBD oil?
If you are trying CBD oil for the first time, start with one drop of 5% CBD oil per day for the first week , regardless of your body weight. If you tolerate the oil well, you can gradually increase the daily number of drops every week.
Gewicht (kg) | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 |
40 | 1 x 5% | 2 x 5% | 3 x 5% | 4 x 5% |
50 | 1 x 5% | 2 x 5% | 3 x 5% | 5 x 5% |
60 | 1 x 5% | 2 x 5% | 4 x 5% | 6 x 5% |
70 | 1 x 5% | 3 x 5% | 5 x 5% | 7 x 5% |
80 | 1 x 5% | 3 x 5% | 5 x 5% | 8 x 5% |
90 | 1 x 5% | 4 x 5% | 6 x 5% | 9 x 5% |
100 | 1 x 5% | 4 x 5% | 7 x 5% | 9 x 5% |
Please note that it is not recommended to exceed the recommended maximum daily dose of 70mg, even if you are taking other CBD products.
This dosing table is only a suggestion.
What is the best daily CBD dosage?
The dosage of CBD oil is not a ready-made solution, as it depends on a number of individual factors such as body weight, metabolism and tolerance. To find the optimal CBD dosage, it is essential to experiment with different products and dosages.
Nevertheless, CBD users with moderate needs report an average daily dose of between 20mg and 50mg. How much CBD oil you should take ultimately depends on your personal needs.
It is also important to know that the strength of CBD oil can vary from product to product, and it is essential to choose a suitable strength for your needs. You can mix and match different products to create the desired CBD intake. However, always consult a licensed physician before combining CBD with prescription medication.
How do you calculate the optimal dose of CBD oil?
CBD strength is a crucial factor in determining the right CBD dosage. Your body weight plays an important role, with heavier people requiring a stronger dose of CBD.
As a starting point, the recommended dose of CBD is between 0.1mg and 0.8mg per kg of body weight. You can calculate your basic dose by multiplying your weight in kg by 0.1 and increasing the amount as needed.
However, body weight is only one of the factors that can influence the optimal CBD dosage. For example, the severity of your needs can also help you determine your CBD dosage. If you think you have a low to moderate CBD requirement, a low dose of 5-20 mg per day may be sufficient. But for high needs, a higher dose of 25-50 mg per day may be required.
Another important consideration is your tolerance to CBD, which can vary depending on your unique body chemistry. Everyone's Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is unique, and it regulates essential bodily functions such as sleep, appetite, pain and mood. Therefore, it is recommended to start with a low CBD dose based on your body weight and gradually increase it until you achieve the desired effects.

How do you take CBD oil?
We advise users to take CBD oil sublingually. This method is particularly widespread. The absorption of cannabidiol through the oral mucosa with CBD oil is simple and effective.
Step 1: Shake
Shake the closed bottle briefly so that the CBD extract and carrier oil mix evenly.
Step 2: Drip
Use the pipette to place the desired amount of drops under your tongue.
Step 3: Wait
Give your oral mucosa 1-2 minutes to absorb the CBD from the oil.
Step 4: Swallow
Then swallow the oil.
Use CBD oil for at least a week to notice a change.

How much CBD is in our oils?
We offer a wide range of CBD oils. You can compare the amount of CBD at a glance in this table:
CBD Oil | Amount of CBD | CBD per drop |
CBD Oil 5% | 500mg | 2mg per drop |
CBD Oil 10% | 1000mg | 4mg per drop |
CBD Oil 15% | 1500mg | 6mg per drop |
CBD Oil 20% | 2000mg | 8mg per drop |
CBD Oil 30% | 3000mg | 12mg per drop |
CBD Oil 40% | 4000mg | 16mg per drop |
CBD oil dosage
How do you take CBD oil?
CBD oil can be taken in a few different ways. The most common method is to place drops of the oil under your tongue and hold them there for about 30 seconds before swallowing. This allows the CBD to be absorbed into your bloodstream faster. You can also add CBD oil to food or drink, or apply it topically to your skin.
Can you overdose on CBD oil?
Although CBD oil is generally considered safe, it is possible to experience negative effects if you take too much CBD at once. It is recommended never to take more than 70mg of CBD per day. Please note that there are no known cases of a toxic CBD overdose to date. For more information on this topic, read our blog post on CBD overdosing.
Is CBD safe to use?
Yes, CBD can be safely used as a dietary supplement.
How much CBD oil can I take per day?
The FSA recommends a maximum total daily dose of CBD of 70mg. This includes any additional products, so make sure you don't exceed this amount.
Can I adjust my CBD oil dosage to my individual needs?
Yes, you can adjust the dose of CBD oil to what works best for you.
What happens if I take too much CBD oil?
Taking too much CBD oil can cause side effects such as dizziness, nausea and dry mouth. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking CBD oil and see a doctor.
Can I use CBD oil in combination with other medicines?
If you are taking any prescription medication, it is important to talk to a doctor before taking CBD oil to avoid potential interactions with other medications. For more information, read our guide on which drugs should not be taken with CBD. This is based on feedback from our customers.
Is it safe to use CBD oil during pregnancy or breastfeeding?
It is not recommended to use CBD oil during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as not enough research has been done to establish its safety for these groups.
What are other CBD products I can use?
In addition to CBD oil, you can also use CBD capsules, CBD gummies, CBD vapes and concentrates (pastes and crystals) and balms.